Home > Product > SoC MCU > Multimedia


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AMAZON-II is a HD graphics microcontroller. AMAZON-II is a super integrated SoC (system on a chip) aimed
at providing high performance graphics functionality and low power consumption.
EAGLE(EOL) EAGLE, has a built-in 2D Graphic Engine and H.264/JPEG Decoder, is a multimedia processor which is optimized for graphic and video applications.


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adStar-D ADSTAR-D, has a built-in SDRAM, Flash memory and LCD controller, is a general MCU which is optimized for every applications of displaying on LCD.
adStar-L ADSTAR-L, has a built-in SDRAM, Flash memory and LCD controller, is a general MCU which is optimized for every applications of displaying on LCD.
adLuna-T adLuna-T 는 고성능,저전력,저비용의 결합이 필요한 임베디드 어플리케이션에 적합하게 설계된 MCU이다.
CANTUS CANTUS, has a built-in Flash memory, ADPCM Decoder and 80 KB SRAM, is a general MCU which is optimized for every voice applications. The maximum working frequency of CANTUS is 96MHz.