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ADSTAR-L, has a built-in SDRAM, Flash memory and LCD controller, is a general MCU which is optimized for every applications of displaying on LCD.


 ADSTAR-L is a general MCU(Micro controller Unit) which has the built-in SDRAM(8/16MB), Flash memory(512KB) and LCD controller that is suitable for displaying user’s information on LCD. It has not only 32bits EISC core but also various peripheral devices. So it’s possible to design a system with even one ADSTAR-L chip. Therefore, it has an advantage to minimize the cost of system design.
 Flash memory can be utilized for the purpose of configuration program or data storage, also it can be accessible faster and download user program by JTAG.

 Additionally, it provides security code to protect user's programming code.
 Its LCD controller supports within 800x600 resolutions
 The operational clock frequency of ADSTAR is up to 108MHz and it provides Power Management Unit to reduce power consumption. 
 ADSTAR-L has 4 versions to be selectable by desired applications.
 ADSTAR-L8M             : 8MB SDRAM version
 ADSTAR-L8MF512      : 8MB SDRAM, 512KB Flash version
 ADSTAR-L16M           : 16MB SDRAM version
 ADSTAR-L16MF512    : 16MB SDRAM, 512KB Flash version



- LCD Display Applications

- Home Appliance 

- Motion Control

- Audio Application Device

- Industrial Applications


- Security