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제목 [2018.09.20] adStar D SDK Updated
파일 2018-09-20
Software Development KitSDK for adStarv 2.2.2ZIP
ver 2.2.2
           * 추가된 내용
                       1. lib_src/egl/object/egl_label.c , include/egl/object/egl_label.h
                          Add egl_label_set_bkcolor function. Set label object back ground color.
                       2. lib_src/elg/object/egl_toggle_image2.c , include/egl/object/egl_toggle_image2.h
                          Add toggle image 2 object. 
                       3. lib_src/egl/object/egl_image_button_3state.c, include/egl/object/egl_image_button_3state.h
                          Add 3state image button object.
                       4. lib_src/egl/object/egl_checkbutton.c, include/egl/object/egl_checkbutton.h
                          Add egl_create_checkbutton_img function.
                       5. lib_src/egl/object/egl_messagebox.c, include/egl/object/egl_messagebox.h
                          Add egl_show_messagebox_img function.
                       6. include/adstar/util.h
                          Add INCBIN Macro, image같은 file data code 포함가능.
                       7. example/ImageView_using_resource
                          Add example, using INCBIN Macro.
             * 변경된 내용
                       1. lib_src/serialflash.c
                          modify flash_write function. improve write speed.
                       2. example/FreeRTOS - FreeRTOSConfig.h, port.c
                          change configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE. (16Kbyte)
                          Increased the stack size when stack initializing.
                       3. lib_src/interrupt.c
                          The predefisr position changed ( ISPM -> text ) because the ISPM size was full.
                          adjusted the timing.
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PREV [2018.07.18] adStar L STK Updated
NEXT [2018.09.20] adStar L SDK Updated